Gegen Stumpfsinn
und Langeweile

aus dem Äther.



Artist Titel
Smash Mouth All Star
Bilderbuch Frisbeee
James Hunter People gonna talk
Land in Sicht Eins Zwei Drei
Arctic Monkeys Do I wanna know?
College & Electronic Youth A Real Hero
Von Wegen Lisbeth Meine Kneipe
MODEST MOUSE Missed the boat
A Tribe Called Red RED
Olli Schulz Phase
mESMO Avialable
Shaban & Käptn Peng Die Zähmung der Hydra
Die Sonne Aber die Landschaft
The Kooks She moves in her own way
Judith Holofernes Ich bin das Chaos
Mini Mansions Death is a girl
Emma Stone Audition (The fools who dream)
The Baboon Show Radio Rebelde
Phrasenmäher Kurzer Moment
Tame Impala Let It Happen

Wer will nicht Geschichte(n) schreiben? Welche Geschichten sollten erzählt werden, welche lieber nicht?

In den tiefen Weiten der Internets, ist man sich da manchmal nicht so sicher, aber hey, krasse Story!

Wir bleiben deshalb lieber bei der Musik, die hat nämlich so einiges zu erzählen und zu berichten: Storys aus dem Leben und über das Leben, bekannt und unbekannt.

Hört einfach rein, denn vielleicht ist der ein oder andere Soundtrack eurer Geschichte dabei!

VU 729

Artist Titel
The Black Keys Tell Me Lies
The Honeydrippers Impeach The President
De La Soul Buddy (Feat. A Tribe Called Quest, Jungle Brothers, Queen Latifah, Monie Love)
Cypress Hill Insane In The Brain
Coldplay We Never Change
Pavement We Dance
Dead Trees Punch For Punch
Little Joy Brand New Start
Rocket Freudental Witz Komm Raus!
Ton Steine Scherben Mole Hill Rockers
Chuckamuck Der Laden An Der Ecke
Der Nino Aus Wien Es Lebe Der Schlaf
Devo Hubert House
The Brentwoods Everybody Buri Buri
Cesar Concepcion El Club De Las Cuarto Patas
Kale w/Orchestre OK Jazz Tika Nedeka No Te
Los Locos Del Ritmo Que Voy A Hacer
The Reekers Don't Call Me Flyface
Duke Ellington Virgin Jungle
Tyler, The Creator New Magic Wand
Thom Yorke Impossible Knots
Tobacco Stretch Your Face
M.I.A. Paper Planes
Kate Tempest Theme From Becky
Freundeskreis FK10
The Grouch Every Day Is Saturday
Lord Finesse Here I Come (Remix)
Mankind Vom M Zu Dem A
Tommy Guerrero Terra Unfirma
Major Lazor Get Free (Feat. Amber Of Dirty Projectors)
Beastie Boys Don’t Play No Game That I Can’t Win (Feat. Santigold)

Playlist 03.07.19 - 18-20 Uhr - EO

playlist HARTWURST MASSAKER vom 02.07.2019

artist title label
quiet riot metal health epic
d.a.d. time is a train afm records
grave digger heavy metal breakdown noise records
battle beast eden nuclear blast records
brainstorm devils eye afm records
the night flight orchestra this time nuclear blast records
hardcore superstar guestlist nuclear blast records
dream evil chosen twice century media records
enforcer thunder and hell nuclear blast records
dark tranquillity blind and heart century media records
krokus screaming in the night sony music
evergrey a touch of blessing afm records
armored saint march of the saint 2011 version metal blade records
avantasia lavender nuclear blast records
michael schenker fest rock steady nuclear blast records

Momentaufnahme Juli 2019

Artist Song Album
Gibma 50 Intro Still Storch
Friedrich Sunlight Kommen Und Gehen Sag Es Erst Morgen
Friedrich Sunlight Radikal Und Chic Sag Es Erst Morgen
Friedrich Sunlight Sag Es Erst Morgen Sag Es Erst Morgen
Slowthai Nothing Great About Britain Nothing Great About Britain
Slowthai Gorgeous Nothing Great About Britain
Cassius Walking In The Sunshine Dreems
Hot Chip Clear Blue Skies A Bath Full Of Ecstasy
Hot Chip Melody Of Love A Bath Full Of Ecstasy
Andreas Spechtl Structures Strategies
Daughter Of Swords Dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker
Daughter Of Swords Gem Dawnbreaker
Clairo Bags Bags
Rolf Zukowski Ich Hab Einen Walkman (Was Hast Du Gesagt) Ich Hab Einen Walkmann
Gibma 50 Tsipouro Still Storch
Gibma 50 Café Schneider Still Storch
Flughand Sailing Fluo
Flughand Coffee & Cigarettes Fluo
Tunng Peanuts This Is Tunng... Magpie Bites And Other Cuts
Tunng Death And The Maiden Retold This Is Tunng... Magpie Bites And Other Cuts
Climax Chicago Mole On The Dole Bob Stanley & Pete Wiggs Present Three Day Week
The Brothers Part Of The Union Bob Stanley & Pete Wiggs Present Three Day Week
Stavely Makepiece Don't Ride A Paula Pillion Bob Stanley & Pete Wiggs Present Three Day Week
Die Kerzen Al Pacino Al Pacino
Sufjan Stevens Love Yourself Love Yourself /With My Whole Heart (EP)
Damon Locks Black Monument Ensemble From A Spark To Fire Where Future Unfolds
Damon Locks Black Monument Ensemble The Color That You Bring Where Future Unfolds
Fatoni Alles Zieht Vorbei (Feat. Dirk V. Lowtzow) Andorra


Artist Titel
Blind Butcher 6300
Hot Border Special Woo!
Lettuce Royal Highness
Mo´Horizon Rhythm is a dancer feat. Coneccion Bogota
Renegades Of Jazz Hot wired
Evasion 85 Van La Ka Vante
Equipe Radio Cicade (Guts edit)
Voilaaa Spies are watching me
Ariwo Ireme
Bolga All-Stars & The Polyversal Souls This Is Bolga (Pt.1)
Legendary Tigerman Song for you
Scone Cash Players Bokum Hi
Ernie Hawks & The Soul Investigators Scorpio Walk

VU 728

Artist Titel
Vampire Weekend Sunflower (feat. Steve Lacy)
Tame Impala The Less I Know The Better
Phoenix Everything Is Everything
Zoot Woman Information First
Chain And The Gang I'm A Choice (Not A Child)
Sic Alps Do You Want to Give $$?
White Fence Phone
Megapuss A Gun On His Hip And A Rose On His Chest
The Rolling Stones Honkey Tonk Women
The Beach Boys Surfin’ Safari
Chuck Berry Too Much Monkey Business
Billy Childish And The Blackhands This Is The Blackhands
The Mystery Lights What Happens When You Turn the Devil Down
The Black Lips Hippie, Hippie, Hoorah (Live)
Calexico Mazurra
The Ventures Secret Agent Man (From The CBS-TV Show 'Secret Agent’)
The Clash I Fought The Law
Sex Pistols Holidays In The Sun
Flipper Get Away
Beck Debra
The Byrds Eight Miles High
Hüsker Dü Eight Miles High
Roxy Music Eight Miles High
A.A. Bondy I Can See The Pines Are Dancing
Bill Callahan Watch Me Get Married
Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks No One Is (As I Are Be)
Cake Jolene
The Handsome Family Far From Any Road
Calexico & Iron And Wine The Bitter Suite (Pájaro _ Evil Eye _ Tennessee Train)

Playlist 26.06.19 - 18-20 Uhr - EO

Bunny Lee: Dreads Enter The Gates With Praise

Artist Titel
Johnny Clarke Enter Into His Gates With Praise
King Tubby And The Aggrovators This A The Hardest Version
King Tubby Meets Tommy McCook And The Aggrovators King Tubby Dub
Prince Jazzbo The Wormer
Winston Wright Marvelous Rocker
Vin Gordon & The Aggrovators Magnum Force
King Tubby Meets Tommy Mccook And The Aggrovators The Dub Station
The Aggrovators So Jah Seh Dub
Jackie Edwards So Jah Seh
Shorty The President NattyDread Have Ambition
Jah Stitch Real Born African
The Uniques Queen Majesty
Dillinger Check Sister Jane
The Uniques You Don't Care For Me
Gene Rondo A Land Far Away

HartwurstMassaker PLAYLIST vom 18.06.2019

artist :: title :: label
quiet riot :: metal health :: cbs
accept :: worlds colliding :: nuclear blast records
burning witches :: hexenhammer :: nuclear blast records
mystic prophecy :: evil empires (live) :: massacre records
night demon :: welcome to the night :: steamhammer
visigoth :: warrior queen :: metal blade records
pretty maids :: kingmaker :: frontiers
amorphis :: four wise ones (live) :: nuclear blast records
amaranthe :: the score :: spinefarm records
powerwolf :: nighttime rebel :: napalm records
armored saint :: reign of fire :: metal blade records
brainstorm :: divine inner ghost :: afm records
battle beast :: the hero :: nuclear blast records
hardcore superstar :: last call for alcohol :: nuclear blast records
steel panther :: death to all but metal :: umg
skid row :: riot act :: atlantic
the night flight orchestra :: barcelona :: nuclear blast records
dark tranquillity :: forward momentum :: century media records
candlemass :: black dwarf :: nuclear blast records
tribulation :: melancholia :: century media records
dust bolt :: dead inside :: napalm records
evergrey :: end of silence :: afm records

HartwurstMassaker PLAYLIST vom 04.06.2019

artist :: title :: label
tanzwut :: galgenvögel :: afm records
emil bulls :: grenade :: afm records
d.a.d. :: the sky is made of blues :: afm records
aphyxion :: sleepwalkers :: prime collective
savage messiah :: heretiv in the modern world :: century media records
rammstein :: radio :: universal
hardline :: place to call home :: frontiers
liv sin :: slave to the machine :: despotz records
royal republic :: can´t fight the disco :: arising empire
nightqueen :: energy :: el puerto records
darkthrone :: the hardship of the scots :: peaceville
death angel :: divine defector :: nuclear blast records
vader :: grand deceiver :: nuclear blast records
memoriam :: shell shock :: nuclear blast records
majestica :: night call girl :: nuclear blast records
sum 41 :: out for blood :: hopeless records
texas hippie coalition :: bring it baby :: e one
axenstar :: legions :: ram it down records
whitesnake :: good to see you again :: frontiers records
mission in black :: oceans of blood 2019 :: el puerto records
while she sleeps :: inspire :: search and destroy records
n.m.a :: this world :: robnroll records
danko jones :: i´m in a band :: afm records
mötley crüe :: the dirt :: eleven seven music

Welle Wahnsinn Ausgabe 37

Welle Wahnsinn 37
Artist Titel
VIP 200 Topless Party
Plastic Mermaids 1996
Do Nothing Gangs
Flying Lotus feat. Thundercat The Climb
Chloé Bodur Billie
Psychedelic Porn Crumpets Keen For Kick Ons?
The Strawberry Alarm Clock Birds In My Tree
Clinic Laughing Cavalier
Xiu Xiu Scisssssssors
Annabel Allum You Got It Good
Soccer Mommy Cool
Black Futures Tunnel Vision
51 Black Super Over The Bridge
Tracy Follow Me
B.A. Johnston We're All Going To Jail (Except Pete, He's Gonna Die)
dirk. Fuck Up
Emilie Kahn Three
Paucker Everyone Knows It
Andreas Dorau Schwierigkeiten
OSHH Birds
Sailor & I Black Swan
Klaxons Gravity's Rainbow (Nightmoves Remix)
Pip Blom Daddy Issues
De Maskers Brand New Cadillac
Karate King aka 空手王 Heavenly Promise
Slim Twig Fadeout Killer
Videosex Videosex



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