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danube streamwaves

danube streamwaves vol. 03 (Budapest Edition)

The first Danube Streamwaves program of Civil Radio in Budapest, Hungary was edited and presented by Gábor Géczi as part of the show titled Sound Picture Hall. The show was aired on March 7, 2016 - and will be broadcast in all the other 3 partner stations in March, 2016.

In this program we tried to give you an initial cross section of the current Hungarian popular music scene.
In the first half of the radio program a few Hungarian rock bands are introduced mostly from the capital, Budapest. Some of them are working in sub-genres like hardpop, urban rock, jungle rockabilly or reggae. The latter is still quite popular among the young generation.

The second half of the Civil Radio music program gives you a wider variety of music genres including Hungarian folk music mixed with world music, latin music, rhythm & blues and finally jazz. Some of these bands are based in rural cities of the Western part of Hungary. All of the bands presented in the show give concerts regularly both home and abroad.

danube streamwaves vol. 02 (Novi Sad Edition)

The secound edition of the program is produced by ORadio Novi Sad, Serbia, edited and presented by Dusan Majkic (Picture), he is one of the most popular radio and tv hosts, and he told us that he was very glad when we invited him to be the host of the "danube streamwaves"-show at O radio.

This program series has been created within the international cooperation „danube streamwaves“, making four radio stations operating in four cities along the river Danube produce shows to be aired in each partner radio station.

The project is supported by Baden-Wuerttemberg Stiftung.

Danube Streamwaves vol. 01 (Ulm Edition)

Todays radio program is produced by Radio free FM in Ulm, Germany, edited and presented by Jenz Keller as part of his show entitled "Music in Ulm". Unplugged sessions of musicians from Ulm and around, being guests live the studio in 2015, will be aired in this first edition.

This program series has been created within the international cooperation „danube streamwaves“, making four radio stations operating in four cities along the river Danube produce twelve shows to be aired in each partner radio station.

The project is supported by Baden-Wuerttemberg Stiftung.

#zwcm2015 Auftakt: 20 Jahre Freie Radios in BaWü


Die Zukunftswerkstatt Community Media 2015 #zwcm2015 startet morgen mit seiner Auftaktveranstaltung um 20.00 Uhr im Einsteinhaus / Club Orange der vh Ulm.

Diese Podiumsdiskussion mit dem Titel "20 Jahre Freie Radios in BaWü - Diskussion zu Anspruch & Wirklichkeit alternativen Rundfunks" übertragen wir LIVE ab acht auf der 102,6 MHz!

Es diskutieren:
Joachim Stein (AFF e. V. | Freies Radio für Stuttgart)
Jürgen Filius (MdL B90 / Grüne Baden-Württemberg)
Sascha Binder (MdL SPD Baden-Württemberg)
Dr. Angela Frank (Stellvertreterin des Präsidenten der LfK)
Dr. Dagmar Brunow (Medienwissenschaftlerin, Hamburg / Universität Växjö, Schweden)

Stephanie Scholz (Radio Corax, Halle)


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