Radio Free FM´s HARTWURST MASSAKER playlist vom 31.12.2019
artist | title | label |
dawn of solace | lead wings | noble demon |
moonspell | 2econd skin | napalm records |
tribulation | nightbound (live) | century media records |
grave pleasures | fear your mind (live) | century media records |
toothgrinder | the new punkrock | spinefarm records |
british lion | lightning | plg |
shark island | crazy 8 | saol records |
blue oyster cult | don´t fear the reaper | frontiers |
eclipse | viva la victoria | frontiers |
jorn | lonely nights | frontiers |
the murder of my sweet | my religion | frontiers |
violation wound | dying to live, living to die | peaceville |
blood eagle | worship the wolf | nuclear blast records |
burning witches | wings of steel | nuclear blast records |
nightwish | the kingslayer | nuclear blast records |
davey suicide | rock ain´t dead | out of line music |
infected rain | the earth mantra | napalm records |
lindemann | gummi | vertigo berlin |
amberian dawn | lay all your love on me | napalm records |
delain | one second | napalm records |
gloryhammer | gloryhammer | napalm records |
papa roach | come around | eleven seven music |
airbourne | boneshaker | vertigo berlin |
alter bridge | wouldn´t you rather | napalm records |