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HartwurstMassaker playlist vom 23.04.2018

artist title label
night demon welcome to the night steamhammer
saxon thunderbolt silver lining music
leatherwolf gypsies and thieves island records
backyard babies brand new hate gun records
nocturnal rites heart black as coal afm records
traitor demonic possession violent creek music
sodom lifeline steamhammer
overkill coma megaforce records
memoriam weaponised fear nuclear blast records
axel rudi pell long live rock steamhammer
mission in black welcome the apocalypse el puerto records
kamelot phantom divine napalm records
stepfather fred i have to end el puerto records
stepfather fred this is me el puerto records
stepfather fred focus el puerto records
settle your scores on the count of three sharptone records
riot grrrl sessions terror grrrls gmr music
ross the boss by blood sworn afm records
angelus apatrida downfall of the nation century media records
skeletal remains grotesque creation century media records
parkway drive prey epitaph music
artist title label
night demon welcome to the night steamhammer
saxon thunderbolt silver lining music
leatherwolf gypsies and thieves island records