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High Noon 18.07.2017

Artist Titel
Ty Segall The Connection Man
Mac DeMarco Baby You’re Out
Royal Trux The United States Vs. One 1974 Cadillac El DOrado Sedan
Broken Social Scene Please Take Me With You
Air Venus
Art Brut Rusted Guns Of Milan
Sleaford Mods Tweet Tweet Tweet
Teen Come Back
John Frusciante Ratiug
Radiohead No Surprises
Peter Gabriel Biko
Bonobo Pick Up (Four Tet Remix)
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard Paper Mache Dream Balloon
Artist Titel
Ty Segall The Connection Man
Mac DeMarco Baby You’re Out
Royal Trux The United States Vs. One 1974 Cadillac El DOrado Sedan


18. Juli 2017 | 00:00

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