Alles auf
einen Blick



Artist Title Release
Vathres and the ashes birthed them into air and their bodies hurtled towards the fire of the sun (edit I) Liturgy of Lacuna
Simon Lanz / Tobias Lanz Arches - Part I Arches
Erlend Apneseth Trio & Maja S. K. Ratkje Fuglane II Collage
Olivia Louvel Doggerland DNA doggerLANDscape
Angles & Elle-Kari with Strings Kalypso Hypnos Drone (excerpt) Kalypso Hypnos Drone
Philippe Petit A Reassuring Elsewhere pt. 5 A Reassuring Elsewhere Chapter II
Lawrence English / Werner Dafeldecker Tropic of Capricorn I Tropic of Capricorn
Eugene Carchesio + Adam Betts U Circle Drum Music
Eugene Carchesio + Adam Betts E Circle Drum Music
Leonardo Barbadoro Vibi Musica Automata
Pierre Bastien & Michel Banabila Rotor Motor Baba Soirée
Beatriz Ferreyra Cercles des rondes UFO Forest +
Amelia Cuni, Werner Durand & Uli Hohmann Byss Clearing
Amby Downs Ngunmal Ngunmal


03. Nov. 2023 | 22:00

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